How to Build a Career Transition Resume

How to Build a Career Transition Resume

by Akanksha Holani

If you’ve landed on this article, it’s safe to assume that you’re considering a career transition. You’re not alone! 70% of surveyed people are looking for a change! Maybe you’re experimenting, exploring, or you’re plain bored with what you’ve been doing for the last 10 or so years. You could also just be searching for better opportunities, or a more lucrative career. Whether you’re making a midlife career change or transitioning while still in your 20s, we know there’s going to be some anxiety. After all, you are stepping out of your comfort zone into a new industry; it’s a whole new world (literally).

Don’t worry! We promise, as always, that we are here to help you. A career transition doesn’t have to be scary.

The first step to this preparation is preparing a strong case for yourself, and that’s why you’ll need a resume geared for a career transition.

Keep reading this article on Power to Fly.

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